Case Study #1 Solr Italia Online

Italia Online Case Study
  • Solr version : 8.8
  • # of nodes: 2 clusters each 5 nodes
  • hardware specs (CPU disk Servers) : 40gb memory, 12 cues , 70%
  • Index size on disk 15 gb
  • Query load 100 million queries per day
  • Data ingestion frequency : Real time constantly
  • No. of documents per collection 4 million docs / 1 collection
  • What all features of solr they are using? Faceting , grouping , highlighting , autosuggest
  • Technology of front end application: Python application
  • Query response time before NB services : 4 seconds
  • Query response time after NB services : 100m



  1. Switch solrconfig Solr 6.2 -> solr 8.8
  2. Increase soft commit to 30 secs and hard commit to 120 secs
  3. Grouping -> Collapsing
  4. Change facet.limit=-1 to 1000 for fields cd_id_sede_group_ft & ds_ls_kwd_fam_ita_ve_f
  5. Use use facet.method=enum for field fl_service
  6. Enable docvalues for field ds_ls_cat_ita
  7. Change replica type to TLOG for 2 and PULL for 3
  8. Increase soft commit to 90 secs and hard commit to 240 secs
  9. Nested Documents
  10. Increase RAM in all 10 Solr nodes from 40G to 50G
  11. Use G1GC instead of ConcurrentMarkSweep
  12. Added middle level of cache
  13. Increasing the replica count by double

After: 85% Reduction

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