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Aggregation Sorting in Elasticsearch: Sorting Based on Another Aggregation

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Aggregation Sorting in Elasticsearch: Sorting Based on Another Aggregation


Elasticsearch is renowned for its powerful aggregation capabilities, enabling developers to derive valuable insights and perform advanced data analytics on large datasets. When dealing with complex aggregations, there might be scenarios where you need to sort one aggregation’s results based on the values of another aggregation. Thankfully, Elasticsearch provides a convenient solution to achieve this using the ‘order’ parameter. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to sort an aggregation based on another aggregation, allowing you to unleash the full potential of Elasticsearch in your data analysis.

Understanding Aggregations in Elasticsearch

Aggregations in Elasticsearch are similar to SQL’s GROUP BY clause, allowing you to group and summarize data based on specific criteria. Common types of aggregations include terms, date histogram, range, and more. Aggregations can be combined, nested, and sorted to provide valuable insights and answer complex queries efficiently.

Scenario: Sorting One Aggregation based on Another Aggregation

Imagine you have an Elasticsearch index that stores data about products, including their category, price, and stock quantity. You want to find the top-selling categories based on the total revenue generated by each category. In this scenario, we’ll need to sort the aggregation of categories based on the sum of revenue per category.

Let’s dive into the steps to achieve this using the ‘order’ parameter.

Step 1: Create the Aggregations

First, we need to define the aggregations for calculating the total revenue per category and grouping products accordingly.

POST /your_index/_search


  “size”: 0,

  “aggs”: {

    “revenue_per_category”: {

      “terms”: {

        “field”: “category.keyword”,

        “size”: 10,

        “order”: {

          “total_revenue”: “desc” 



      “aggs”: {

        “total_revenue”: {

          “sum”: {

            “field”: “price”







In the above query, we are performing a terms aggregation on the “category.keyword” field, which groups the products by their categories. Within this aggregation, we have a sub-aggregation named “total_revenue,” which calculates the sum of the “price” field for each category. The ‘order’ parameter is set to “desc” to sort the categories based on their total revenue in descending order.

Step 2: Interpret the Results

The response from Elasticsearch will provide you with the sorted aggregation results based on the total revenue generated by each category. The top-selling categories will be listed first.


By utilizing the ‘order’ parameter in Elasticsearch aggregations, you can effectively sort one aggregation based on the results of another aggregation. This powerful feature allows you to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions when analyzing large datasets. Whether you are dealing with e-commerce sales, website analytics, or any other use case that involves complex data analysis, Elasticsearch’s aggregation capabilities can significantly enhance your data exploration process.

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