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Opensearch Consulting

For Opensearch Consulting Services

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Service Offering

  • Opensearch Support 
  • Installation and configuration of OpenSearch
  • Set up Azure, GCP , AWS , or other public cloud vendor
  • Installation and configuration of OpenSearch Dashboard
  • Support in migration from another search tool like Elasticsearch , Solr, and others to OpenSearch
  • Setup and management of index
  • Development of index pipeline
  • Mappings and field types
  • Text analysis
  • Aggregation to analyze data and statistics
      • Metrics aggregation
      • Bucket aggregation
      • Pipe aggregation
  • Cluster management
      • Cross cluster replication
      • Fault tolerance
      • Backup/Restore
  • Security implementation
      • Data encryption
      • Authentication (supports Basic, JWT, OpenID, LDAP, SAML, etc.)
      • Access control (REST level, Document level, Field level, etc.)
      • Audit logging
  • Development of search pipeline
      • Query design
      • Keyword search
      • Neural search
      • Hybrid search
      • Search relevancy
  • Machine Learning
      • ML node setup
      • Custom or Pretrained model
      • Integration of ML model
  • Troubleshooting
  • Features like : sorting, faceting , spellchecker, autosuggest, multi lingual performance tuning, relevancy tuning 

~ Case Studies~

Elasticsearch Case Studies

Keysight Case Study

Keysight Case Study

~ Testimonials ~

Here’s what our customers have said.

Empowering Businesses with Exceptional Technology Consulting

~ Our Clients ~

For Search, Content Management & Data Engineering Services

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