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For Coveo Search Solutions
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Coveo Search Solutions
Coveo is a leading provider of cloud-based AI-powered search and recommendations solutions that help enterprises leverage data to deliver value. The Coveo Relevance Cloud™ is a market-leading AI-powered relevance platform that leverages search, recommendation and personalization technologies to deliver exceptional search application experiences. Coveo provides tangible value to customers by driving revenue growth, reducing customer support costs, increasing customer satisfaction and website engagement, and improving employee proficiency and satisfaction.
Coveo’s machine learning customization
Intelligent term detection from long text queries
Coveo’s machine learning feature implementation
Coveo Services
- Search application assessment
- Search strategy consulting
- Content processing
- Coveo implementation, migration, and scaling
- Search UI and dashboard customization
- Application support and managed services
- Installation and configuration
- Analytics and dashboards
- Relevancy analysis and improvement
- Search application performance improvement
Data ingestion/ Indexing Content (1/2)
Field options Permissions
Refreshing content
Body indexing
Mappings and fields
Push sources vs Pull sources
Securities Indexing
pipeline extension
Configuring content source connections, encompassing MSSQL, SharePoint, web content, other data sources, and local files
Indexing the data and configuration of the sources in Coveo platform
Data ingestion/ Indexing Content (2/2)
Different mechanism of indexing like Coveo push API
Perform ETL jobs which load data to Search Engine for indexing data
Solutioning for indexing the data to Coveo,
Write basic python extensions for indexing the data to Coveo.
Develop Spring Boot application for indexing the content and adding rules dynamically to Coveo platform
Use connectors in Coveo like Sitemap, Generic Rest API, Push API etc for indexing the data.
ntegrate ontology and taxonomy into the content indexing workflow, enhancing content with relevant business domain metadata.
Create multiple Python scripts forIndexing pipeline extensions to enrich content metadata during indexing
Search Page/ UI development
- Create user-friendly and efficient search interfaces by leveraging Coveo components
- Develop frontend search interface to verify the accuracy of information sent to the Coveo analytics engine
- Develop a Coveo-hosted search page and Search Interface for businesses that improved the organization’s search experience.
- Design and Integrate the search interface in SAP’s instances
- Create search pages Using a WYSIWYG Editor provided by Coveo.
- Hands-on in all Coveo search frontend components.
- Work with UI team to ensure the error free, performant, mobile first code.
- Integrating Coveo for search functionality and Product Listing Page
Improving Relevance
- Machine learning models
- Query suggestions
- Automatic Relevance Tuning (ART)
- Dynamic Navigation Experience (DNE)
- Understanding Query Pipeline
- Query Pipeline Rules Machine learning
- Thesaurus Result Ranking
- Triggers Filters Other
- A/B Testing
Query Management
- Implement various Coveo native machine learning tools to enhance search personalization and improve result relevance,
- Configure and Manage query pipeline components, including synonyms, stop-words, ranking expressions, custom parameters, and ranking weights.
- Configure the query pipeline, Machine Learning models such as Query Suggestions, Automatic Relevancy Tuning and Dynamic Relevancy Tuning in Coveo platform
- Build Machine learning models like, Smart snippets, Content recommendation, etc.
- Build personalized components based upon client requirements like product context, blocklist, partial match, tab based suggestions etc.
- Set up and administer various Coveo environments, including development, unit acceptance testing (UAT), preproduction (QA), and production
- Optimize and uphold Coveo search solutions to ensure peak performance, relevance, and user satisfaction
- A/B Testing
- Monitor indexing and search performance to prevent unexpected delays in delivering results to users.
- Coveo sitecore Implement Search using Coveo for Sitecore
- Integrate Coveo search API to develop search operations and product listing in Sitecore web applications
- Integrate coveo with AEM
- Integrate with Coveo with Salesforce. Use Coveo to replace knowledge bar and the search bar on the salesforce community. Implement Coveo on to salesforce communities and in backend which helped users find relevant Information from all the external systems easily.
Prepare dashboards for monitoring and alerting on key hardware metrics and search usage and user behavior metrics
- Click metrics
- Average Click Rank
- Click Event Count
- Click Rank Maximum/ Minumum/Sum
- Search Event Clickthrough (%)
- Manual Search Event Count
- Search Events With Clicks
- Search Event Count
- Relevance Index / Relevance Index (Legacy)
- Refined Search Event Count
- Unique [Click Dimension Name]
- Search metrics
- Average Number of Results
- Average Response Time (ms)
- Average Search Query Word Count
- Search Event Clickthrough (%)
- Number of Results Minimum/ Sum
- Search Event Count
- Refined Search Event Count
- Response Time (ms)
- Attach to Case Count
- Custom metrics
- Custom Event Count
- Unique [Custom Dimension Name]
- Unique [All Event Type Dimension Name]
- Visit Clickthrough (%)
- Visit Count
- Visits With Clicks
- Unique
- Unique User IP
- Unique User ID
- Unique Visitor ID
- Visits With Manual Search Events
- Zero result searches
- Measurement of of the search app and user
- Query throughput
- Zero result query
- Ingestion time
- Search vs Click through rate
- Search vs Add to Order rate
- Alert and inform about when relevant result not in Top 5.
- User behavior
- Review user visits
- Export data
- Manage data dimensions
- Filter data
- Limit accessible data
- Review data health
- Access and manipulate data
- Leverage data
- Log events
Summary dashboards

~ Case Studies~
Conveo Case Studies
Large semiconductor manufacturer
Large asset management company
Large electronics company
~ Our Clients ~

~ Testimonials ~
Here’s what our customers have said.
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