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Elasticsearch Cardinality Aggregation for Data Uniqueness

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Elasticsearch Cardinality Aggregation for Data Uniqueness


In today’s data-driven world, we often encounter situations where we need to count the number of unique values within a dataset. Elasticsearch, a powerful search and analytics engine, provides us with a robust aggregation called “Cardinality” that precisely addresses this requirement. In this blog post, we’ll explore the Cardinality Aggregation in Elasticsearch and demonstrate how it can help us gain valuable insights by determining the uniqueness of data within our indices.

Understanding the Cardinality Aggregation

The Cardinality Aggregation in Elasticsearch is designed to calculate the cardinality of a specific field or combination of fields within a dataset. In simpler terms, it helps us count the number of distinct values present in a given field. This aggregation is particularly useful in scenarios such as counting unique users, IP addresses, product categories, and much more.

Use Case: Tracking Unique Visitors

Suppose we have an Elasticsearch index that records website visits, and each document represents a visitor session with various details such as the visitor’s IP address, browser, and timestamp. We want to analyze the number of unique visitors to our website to gain insights into our audience.

Using the Cardinality Aggregation

Step 1: Indexing the Data

Before diving into the aggregation, let’s first index some sample data representing website visits.

POST /website_visits/_doc/1


  “ip_address”: “”,

  “browser”: “Chrome”,

  “timestamp”: “2023-07-20T12:00:00”


POST /website_visits/_doc/2


  “ip_address”: “”,

  “browser”: “Firefox”,

  “timestamp”: “2023-07-20T12:05:00”


POST /website_visits/_doc/3


  “ip_address”: “”,

  “browser”: “Safari”,

  “timestamp”: “2023-07-20T12:10:00”


POST /website_visits/_doc/4


  “ip_address”: “”,

  “browser”: “Chrome”,

  “timestamp”: “2023-07-20T12:15:00”


Step 2: Performing the Cardinality Aggregation

To find the number of unique IP addresses (i.e., unique visitors) in our dataset, we can use the Cardinality Aggregation.

GET /website_visits/_search


  “size”: 0,

  “aggs”: {

    “unique_visitors”: {

      “cardinality”: {

        “field”: “ip_address”





In the above query, we’re using the `cardinality` aggregation to count the distinct IP addresses in the `ip_address` field.


The Cardinality Aggregation in Elasticsearch proves to be an indispensable tool when it comes to counting the number of unique values within a dataset. Whether you’re analyzing user interactions, tracking unique visitors, or working with any data that requires understanding uniqueness, the Cardinality Aggregation will provide you with valuable insights.

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