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Home » How to Perform Full-Text Search in OpenSearch: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Perform Full-Text Search in OpenSearch: A Comprehensive Guide

OpenSearch is a powerful, open-source search and analytics engine built for speed and scalability. One of the most essential features of OpenSearch is its ability to perform full-text search, enabling users to search large volumes of unstructured text with high efficiency and relevance. Full-text search is crucial for applications like content management systems, e-commerce sites, log analysis, and more.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of performing full-text searches in OpenSearch. From setting up your data and index to crafting advanced queries, we’ll cover all the steps you need to optimize your searches for better performance and relevance.

Full-text search allows users to query and retrieve documents that contain specific words or phrases. Unlike exact match searches, where you look for an exact match of a term, full-text search analyzes and tokenizes the input text to improve query accuracy and relevance. OpenSearch supports full-text search out of the box through its powerful text analysis features, such as tokenization, stemming, and stop word removal.

Key Concepts:

  • Text Fields: OpenSearch uses text fields for full-text search. These fields are analyzed (broken down into tokens) so that you can search for terms even if they don’t exactly match the content in the document.
  • Analyzers: OpenSearch uses analyzers to break down text into individual terms. These analyzers can remove common words (called stop words) and apply stemming or other transformations to improve search relevancy.

Now let’s walk through how to perform a full-text search in OpenSearch.

To perform full-text search, you first need an index that contains text fields for analysis. If you don’t already have an index, you can create one by defining the mappings for your documents.

Example: Creating an Index with a text Field

Let’s say you’re setting up an index for a blog application, where each post contains a title, content, and tags. We’ll define the content field as a text field, which will be analyzed for full-text search.

PUT /blog_posts


  “mappings”: {

    “properties”: {

      “title”: { “type”: “text” },

      “content”: { “type”: “text” },

      “tags”: { “type”: “keyword” }





  • The title and content fields are defined as text because you’ll want to perform full-text searches on them.
  • The tags field is defined as keyword because tags are used for exact matching, not full-text search.

After creating the index, you can start indexing documents into it.

Example: Indexing Documents

Let’s index a couple of blog posts:

POST /blog_posts/_doc/1


  “title”: “Introduction to OpenSearch”,

  “content”: “OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics engine. It’s designed for horizontal scalability and reliability.”


POST /blog_posts/_doc/2


  “title”: “How to Get Started with OpenSearch”,

  “content”: “In this guide, we will walk you through setting up and configuring OpenSearch for your data.”


The content field will be analyzed by OpenSearch, breaking it down into tokens for full-text search.

Now that you have an index with text fields, let’s perform a basic full-text search. In OpenSearch, full-text searches are performed using the match query, which analyzes the input query and matches it against the tokens in the indexed text.

Example: Simple Match Query

Let’s search for blog posts containing the word “OpenSearch” in the content:

GET /blog_posts/_search


  “query”: {

    “match”: {

      “content”: “OpenSearch”




This query will return all documents where the content field contains the word “OpenSearch.” OpenSearch’s analyzer will handle tokenization, stemming, and stop word removal for you.

What Happens Behind the Scenes?

When you perform a match query, OpenSearch:

  • Analyzes the text in the content field.
  • Tokenizes it into individual terms, removing any stop words (e.g., “the,” “a”).
  • Applies stemming (if enabled), which may reduce words to their root form (e.g., “running” to “run”).
  • Searches for documents containing the tokenized terms.

This makes the search more flexible and tolerant to variations in text.

One of the key features of full-text search is relevance scoring. OpenSearch ranks documents based on how well they match the search query. However, you can fine-tune this ranking by boosting specific fields or terms to give them more importance.

Example: Boosting the title Field

You might want documents with the search term in the title to appear more relevant than those with the term only in the content. You can achieve this by boosting the title field in your query.

GET /blog_posts/_search


  “query”: {

    “multi_match”: {

      “query”: “OpenSearch”,

      “fields”: [“title^2”, “content”]




In this query:

  • The title field is boosted with a ^2, meaning that matches in the title are considered twice as important as matches in the content.
  • This helps rank documents with the term “OpenSearch” in the title higher in the search results.

Other Boosting Options:

  • You can also boost specific terms within the query using the boost parameter.
  • Use the function_score query to apply custom scoring based on factors like recency or popularity.

Step 4: Handling More Complex Full-Text Queries

While the match query is great for basic searches, OpenSearch supports more advanced full-text search features that allow you to build complex queries and fine-tune results.

To search for an exact phrase, use the match_phrase query:

GET /blog_posts/_search


  “query”: {

    “match_phrase”: {

      “content”: “OpenSearch search engine”




This query will return documents where the exact phrase “OpenSearch search engine” appears in the content field.

Fuzzy search is useful when you want to find terms that are similar to the query, even if there are spelling mistakes. This is great for handling typos or variations in spelling.

GET /blog_posts/_search


  “query”: {

    “match”: {

      “content”: {

        “query”: “Opensearch”,

        “fuzziness”: “AUTO”





Here, OpenSearch will look for terms similar to “Opensearch,” allowing for variations like “Openserch” or “OpeenSearch.”

Example: Boolean Queries

Boolean queries let you combine multiple full-text search conditions using must, should, and must_not clauses. For example, to find documents containing both “OpenSearch” and “engine,” but exclude those that mention “setup,” you can write:

GET /blog_posts/_search


  “query”: {

    “bool”: {

      “must”: [

        { “match”: { “content”: “OpenSearch” }},

        { “match”: { “content”: “engine” }}


      “must_not”: [

        { “match”: { “content”: “setup” }}





This query returns documents that contain both “OpenSearch” and “engine” but do not contain the word “setup.”

Step 5: Improving Full-Text Search Performance

As your data grows, performance can become an issue. Here are a few strategies to optimize full-text search performance in OpenSearch:

  1. Use the Right Analyzers: Custom analyzers can improve query performance. For example, if you know your data contains a lot of specific terms, you can create a custom analyzer to handle those terms efficiently.
  2. Avoid Expensive Queries: Queries that require heavy computation, like wildcard searches or fuzzy queries, can slow down performance. Use them sparingly.
  3. Use Indexing Strategies: Consider index partitioning, sharding, and optimizing your mappings to reduce overhead on search queries.
  4. Caching: OpenSearch caches the results of frequent queries, so leveraging caching can improve repeated query performance.


Full-text search in OpenSearch provides powerful capabilities for searching unstructured data with high relevance and flexibility. By understanding how to structure your indices, using advanced querying techniques, and optimizing performance, you can ensure that your OpenSearch implementation delivers fast, relevant search results for your users.

Whether you’re building an e-commerce platform, a content management system, or log analysis tools, mastering full-text search in OpenSearch is crucial to providing the best search experience. Happy searching!

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