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Microfocus IDOL Consulting

For Sinequa Search Services​

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Microfocus IDOL Search Solutions

Microsearch brings fast, high quality, cost-effective, best-practice design, development and deployment services to your Enterprise Search implementation. IDOL includes an extensive feature set, including security as a core part of the engine. IDOL’s distributed architecture allows it to scale up to accommodate growth in users and content.

IDOL Unstructured Data Analytics is an advanced search, knowledge discovery, and analytics platform. Nextbrick help customers accelerate, modernize, simplify, strengthen, and analyze their business and operations so they can run and transform their enterprise. We can help you unleash the full power of search using our experience in:

Federated Search Models

Nextbrick help you use FSM to search multiple repositories at once in real time and arrange the results from the various databases.

Intellectual Asset Protection

Our experts help design and implement an IAS layer of security on top of all your data repositories.

Enterprise Class Architecture

Nextbrick architects will design the most scalable and optimal system using industry standard.

Best Practices

Nextbrick follow the methodologies or techniques that have evolved over time for solving specific problems in specific industries.

Implementation of search applications and interfaces

IDOL especially designed for tablets and smart phones such as iPhone, iPad and Android.

Performance Tuning

Most systems will respond to increased load with some level of degraded performance.

~ Search Use Cases ~

Microfocus IDOL Search Use Cases

Connect All the Data

Search The Way You Speak

Pinpoint Key Information Quickly

Simplified Analysis

Effortlessly Scalable

~ Our Clients ~

~ Testimonials ~

Here’s what our customers have said.

Empowering Businesses with Exceptional Technology Consulting

For AI, Search, Content Management & Data Engineering Services

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