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The NextBrick Managed Search Service is a productized service provided by NextBrick. Because we have such extensive experience with Autonomy, Solr, and other search and retrieval, the service has been templatized into a set of best practices and can be rapidly deployed to your specifications.
~ Our Clients ~

Search Services

Health Check Performance Tuning
Improving response time, throuput, indexing time, index size, disk JVM parameter

Relevancy Tuning
Synonyms, advanced relevancy algolorithims with ML, click signals boosting, Facets, Spell check, Sugesstor

Authorization, Authentication, Vulnerbalities, Access

Disk, JVM, Memory, Infra Top 10 searches, searches not in top 5, indexing time, failed searches
~ Testimonials ~
Here’s what our customers have said.
Empowering Businesses with Exceptional Technology Consulting
"Nextbrick was able to quickly understand our Solr search requirements and provided a comprehensive solution for us. Ordinarily, having a third party provide development services with our e-commerce platform can be a challenge, but they easily managed our environment and seamlessly collaborated with our website partner. Overall, I was very pleased with their value."

"As I stated, we have a group of contractors from Nextbrick who we would like to reward for going above and beyond the call of duty and putting in extremely hard work in launching a successful summer release here at CSAA. We would like to reward the team."

"Just want to take this opportunity to thank you guys for the great job done! The core idea behind this project was to show that ES can truly be used for real time updates and how quickly we can model the data across complex tables in our source system. Your work is definitely commendable. Also, the demo was seamless and very clearly articulated."