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Home » How to Increase Conversions with Autocomplete Search Improvements

How to Increase Conversions with Autocomplete Search Improvements

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Autocomplete can be defined as a unique feature within Google Search which is specially designed to support it to be faster for completing searches which user just begin to type. Autocomplete feature will be available almost anywhere, where you will see a Google search box, even in the Google home page, iOS and Android app for Google, the quick search box present within Android and also in the “Omnibox” address bar present within Chrome. As a user, all you need to do is to just start typing, and the predictions will start appearing.

It is very surprising to see that almost 30% of the visitors first connect with a website via search. And around 80 % of these people without even clicking any link leave the site. If you analyze the same, you will find that almost 1/4th of the site visitors are moving out once they make use of the search box. But you will be surprised to know the fact that with the implementation of autocomplete in the search box, it will increase the click-through rates by about 50 %.

Autocomplete makes it simple to anticipate the rest alphabets of the word when the user is typing. Let’s take an example here, suppose you entered the letters “gre” in the search box. What will be the first suggestion you are going to see is the word perhaps “green” But when you move little farther and check the list down, you’ll see various “green”, “Greater”, “grey” and products related to these words, like green tea, green coffee, and many other similar products.

Do you know what advantage an eCommerce site can gain because of such an autocomplete search?

This type of capabilities opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the autocomplete search towards improving conversion rates for an eCommerce site. But surprisingly such types of possibilities are overlooked, as per industry experts. Nextbrick, an India-based global company that is dedicatedly working for serving business clients worldwide by implementing advanced technology, which includes site search, for driving desired business results.

Based on a market research report it was found that a comprehensive search can surprisingly improve conversions by about 4.63% when compared average conversion rate of a website, which amounted to just 2.77%. It indicated that customers convert 1.8 times more and better when the websites are using the intelligent style of search functionality. We have a few tips which can help in improving conversions with autocomplete search:

  1. Make Segment Based on the Product types
  2. Inclusion of Images Within your Search Results
  3. Use of Pre-Populated Keywords
  4. Inclusion of Advanced Search
  5. Inclusion of Product Recommendation

If you can implement the above tips in your website autocomplete search then you will notice improvements in your conversion rate for sure with time. Seek expert’s assistance in this regard in case you want to ensure good growth for your business with an increased number of customers.

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