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Optimizing Search Performance with Elasticsearch 8.17

Elasticsearch is a widely used distributed search and analytics engine that excels in handling large volumes of data and providing fast search results. As organizations grow and data scales, optimizing search performance becomes essential to maintain a smooth user experience and ensure the system’s efficiency. With the release of Elasticsearch 8.17, there are numerous enhancements and best practices that can significantly improve search performance. In this post, we’ll explore the key ways to optimize search performance using Elasticsearch 8.17.

1. Efficient Indexing Strategies

Effective indexing is the cornerstone of fast search performance. Elasticsearch 8.17 introduces various features and optimizations to help you manage large datasets efficiently, ensuring your indices are structured for high-speed retrieval.

Define Mappings Explicitly

Elasticsearch automatically infers the type of data in your documents, but this automatic mapping can sometimes lead to inefficiencies. Defining explicit mappings ensures that data is indexed in the most optimal way for your specific use case.

Best Practice:

  • Use keyword for fields that are not analyzed (e.g., IDs, tags, categories) to facilitate faster filtering and sorting.
  • Use text for fields that need full-text search capabilities, but ensure the right analyzers are used to avoid unnecessary computational overhead.
  • Consider indexing smaller fields that you don’t need for search (e.g., metadata) as false to save space.


PUT /my_index


  “mappings”: {

    “properties”: {

      “title”: { “type”: “text” },

      “category”: { “type”: “keyword” },

      “price”: { “type”: “float” },

      “created_at”: { “type”: “date” }




By defining mappings carefully, Elasticsearch will know exactly how to treat and store each field, improving indexing and search performance.

Optimize Shard Count

One of the most important factors for Elasticsearch performance is shard count. Shards allow Elasticsearch to distribute data across multiple nodes, enabling parallel processing. However, too many shards can lead to inefficient queries and excessive overhead.

Best Practice:

  • Start with a small number of shards and only increase the number as your data grows. Typically, 3-5 shards per index is sufficient for most use cases.
  • Adjust replica settings based on the desired balance between performance and fault tolerance. The default setting of one replica is often sufficient for most use cases.


PUT /my_index


  “settings”: {

    “number_of_shards”: 3,

    “number_of_replicas”: 1



Proper shard and replica configurations ensure that Elasticsearch can distribute load efficiently without introducing unnecessary overhead.

Leverage Index Lifecycle Management (ILM)

Over time, your indices can grow large and impact search performance. Elasticsearch 8.17 introduces Index Lifecycle Management (ILM), which allows you to automate index rotation, deletion, and migration to optimize resource usage and query speed.

Best Practice:

  • Use ILM to move old indices to cold storage or delete them after a certain period, keeping your indices small and manageable.
  • Rotate indices based on age or size to ensure they remain optimized for fast searches.


PUT /_ilm/policy/my_policy


  “policy”: {

    “phases”: {

      “hot”: {

        “actions”: {

          “rollover”: { “max_age”: “7d”, “max_docs”: 1000000 }



      “delete”: {

        “min_age”: “30d”,

        “actions”: { “delete”: {} }





By automating index management, you can maintain high performance without manually handling large indices.

2. Query Optimization

Once you have your indices set up properly, optimizing your queries is the next step toward boosting search performance. Elasticsearch 8.17 provides a number of tools and techniques to enhance query efficiency.

Use Filters Instead of Queries When Possible

Filters are typically faster than queries because they do not calculate relevance scores. Filters only check whether a document matches a condition, while queries also rank results based on relevance.

Best Practice:

  • Use filter clauses within a bool query for exact matches (e.g., term, range, exists).
  • For example, instead of using a match query for a specific keyword, use a term query inside the filter section.


GET /my_index/_search


  “query”: {

    “bool”: {

      “filter”: [

        { “term”: { “category”: “electronics” } },

        { “range”: { “price”: { “gte”: 100 } } }





This query is more efficient than using match for exact values, as Elasticsearch can skip scoring.

Limit the Fields You Retrieve

By default, Elasticsearch retrieves all fields in a document. However, this can be inefficient, especially if you only need a subset of fields.

Best Practice:

  • Use the _source field to specify the exact fields you need in the query results.
  • This reduces the amount of data transferred and processed, speeding up query execution.


GET /my_index/_search


  “_source”: [“title”, “price”],

  “query”: { “match”: { “category”: “electronics” } }


By requesting only the necessary fields, Elasticsearch can return results faster.

Use Doc Values for Sorting and Aggregations

When sorting or performing aggregations, Elasticsearch uses doc values to optimize access to field values. Text fields, by default, don’t have doc values enabled, which can slow down sorting and aggregations.

Best Practice:

  • Ensure that fields you want to sort or aggregate on have doc values enabled.
  • Fields of type keyword, date, integer, and other structured types typically have doc values enabled by default.


PUT /my_index


  “mappings”: {

    “properties”: {

      “price”: { “type”: “float”, “doc_values”: true }




Enabling doc values ensures faster sorting and aggregation performance.

3. Caching Strategies

Elasticsearch uses several caching mechanisms to boost performance. It caches the results of frequent queries and field values to reduce repetitive computations. Understanding and tuning these caches can greatly improve search performance.

Query Caching

Elasticsearch caches the results of queries that are frequently executed. This reduces the amount of work the system has to do on repeated queries.

Best Practice:

  • For frequently run queries (e.g., those used in dashboards or reporting systems), take advantage of query caching.
  • You can explicitly enable or disable caching for specific queries using the request_cache parameter.


GET /my_index/_search


  “request_cache”: true,

  “query”: {

    “match”: { “title”: “laptop” }



Field Data Cache

For fields that are used in aggregations or sorting, Elasticsearch caches the field data to speed up these operations.

Best Practice:

  • Keep your field data cache size in check to prevent excessive memory usage. Adjust the cache size to suit your use case.


indices.fielddata.cache.size: 40%

By tuning these caches, you can optimize Elasticsearch’s performance for repeated queries and analytics tasks.

4. Monitoring and Tuning

Finally, continuous monitoring is key to maintaining search performance over time. Elasticsearch 8.17 includes improvements in monitoring and alerting, which can help you detect performance bottlenecks early and take action.

Monitor Cluster Health

Regularly monitor cluster health using tools like Kibana or Elasticsearch APIs. Pay attention to metrics such as:

  • Query response times
  • Shard distribution
  • Indexing rate
  • Disk usage

Best Practice:

  • Use Elastic Stack monitoring tools to visualize performance metrics and detect any areas where performance may degrade.


GET /_cluster/health

Adjust JVM Settings

Elasticsearch relies heavily on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Optimizing JVM settings such as heap size can have a significant impact on performance.

Best Practice:

  • Set the JVM heap size to 50% of the available system memory, but no more than 32 GB (due to JVM limitations).
  • Avoid over-allocating memory to the JVM, as this can lead to garbage collection pauses.


Optimizing search performance in Elasticsearch 8.17 involves a combination of proper index management, query optimization, and monitoring. By implementing the strategies outlined in this post, you can ensure that your Elasticsearch cluster remains fast and responsive, even as data volumes grow.

Whether you’re running a search engine, analytics platform, or log aggregation system, taking the time to tune your Elasticsearch setup can lead to significant performance improvements, ultimately enhancing your users’ experience and the efficiency of your applications. Happy optimizing!

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